Stewart has the second best facial hair in the company and literally comes to work to "play with his friends"...
His sense of humour and absolute dedication to detail allows his clients to experience building their home as the wonderful adventure it should be.
Stewart Moore
e: stewart@bankheaddevelopments.com
Our handpicked team of tradespeople are the back bone of Bankhead and their dedication and hard work are exactly why we can guarantee to deliver an exquisite standard of build each and every time.
Ps. They like frequent beer, pizza & karting nights as our thanks to them.
"No Problem"
Stewart has over thirty five years experience in the construction industry including:
Project Management of over one hundred & ten bespoke builds
Design & Build of over thirty two detached villas
Project Management of two nursing home builds
Eight years Project Management for national house builders
(over £5m pa)
Extensive experience of detailed cost management